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Saturday 29 December 2018

M.M.M on the way the Minds of the Centres Function - (2777)

Minds in the Centres

This post is for P.O, becasue I know he enjoys teachings on this subject of the functioning of the centres So just a few days ago m.m.m had a really interesting experience, where he saw that his instinctive centre was a little agitated and then the mind of the instinctive centre sent a signal up to the intellectual centre's mind, and then that mind sent a signal to the mind of the emotional centre which resulted in making his heartbeat uncomfortably accelerate.

So, the teaching is that each centre of our human machine has a mind and each mind is synthesised in the mind of our intellectual centre and what's more is that each of these minds are networked together. What's really important here, is the way in which all the minds function. The function by reporting back to headquarters, which is the intellectual mind, and from the headquarters of the intellectual mind, signals to direct or determine responses in the body are sent.  

The application to this teaching is that if we want to change something that our emotional, motor or sexual centre and to a lesser degree our instinctive does, we must work on the mind in our intellectual centre. So by working the ideas, concepts, beliefs, thoughts etc. in our mind (intellectual mind) we can change the way our motor, emotional and sexual centres operate. There are reasons for why our centres operate they way in which they do.

We may think that there is something wrong with our body, until one day we discover that it is our own brain based on a mental reason or belief, that is commanding our body to respond that way. 

End (2777).

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