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Sunday 30 December 2018

It is Love that Holds All Together, Coheres, Comforts and Protects - (2778)

We could perhaps be standing in the middle of World War Three but if Master Samael is there by our side we would feel just fine!

Why? Because of the love of the master and our love for him!

I realised today that what heals our empty, debasing and uncomfortable feelings is love.

The love of all the suns great and small, hold the whole galaxy and all the planets together in perfect harmony. Yes there is really love everywhere in the cosmos! Despite it seeming so cold and inhospitable out there in deep dark space.

Master Samael that he Cosmic Christ is a real force just like gravity is. The love of the Cosmic Christ holds all together in harmony and balance.

When for example, we may meet a couple and there is genuine love between them, things feel so comforting, safe, protected and all nicely, securely and orderly held together. Those are the effects of the force of love.

When we meet a couple that are fighting and there is much rancor and resentment between them, things feel as if they could explode at any moment and it would be all over in a blink of the eye. The ground seems so shaky like an earthquake.

How comforting is it to eat a dinner cooked at home by one's own mum, who cooks with love. It seems as if it is the most nourishing meal ever.

The love for the Being in us then brings us these feelings of safety, protection, order and togetherness inside of ourselves.

End (2778).

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