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Tuesday 29 January 2019

4 of 7 - Transmutation and the Nervous System - (2851)

Transmutation - When Both Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Function

As mentioned earlier a person transmutes when both the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems function together.

When only the parasympathetic nervous system is working there is just arousal and no transmutation. If the sympathetic nervous system tries to function without the parasympathetic nervous system there will not be transmutation either.

Prana Yama

When we do for example prana yama we start with one nostril working only. When our left nostril is working we feel a bit too relaxed. When the right nostril is working we feel quite agitated and perhaps restless.

Ida and pingala are two channels which link our nostrils to our sexual organs. Ida and pingala are intimately linked to the two nervous systems - sympathetic and parasympathetic.

This left nostril is linked to the parasympathetic nervous system becasue it relaxes and the right nostril is linked to the sympathetic nervous system becasue it agitates.

When through prana yama we manage to balance both nostrils and they start to function harmoniously together, we then begin to transmute our sexual energy and we feel really good. Clear in our mind with an increase in our vitality.


When we chant Ham-Sah we inhale long with HAM and we exhale short with SAH.

Inhalation is related to the sympathetic nervous system and exhale is related to the parasympathetic nervous system. This is becasue inhaling energizes and exhaling relaxes.

So when we empahsise one part of the breath over another we activate more that part of our nervous system. For example inhaling longer activates more the sympathetic nervous system. So with Ham-Sah we actually are emphasizing more the upward movement of the sexual energy. Which coincidentally makes Ham-Sah a more powerful practice of transmutation than the prana yama.

In the Ham-Sah practice both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are used. Only that one is used more than the other.

Other Points

Transmutation energizes our nervous systems and also strengthens them. A nervous system that has energy circulating through it is one that is more balanced.

A nervous system which is lacking energy is one that is either very sensitive and produces overly intense sensations in the body which our psychology easily reacts too in an intense manner.

The above paragraph allows us to appreciate that a healthy nervous system allows us to respond properly to the world, whereas a damaged, or energy deprived or tired nervous system causes us to respond incorrectly.

As our transmutation impacts our nervous system, our behaviour changes, and as our nervous system becomes more and more energised our essence integrates more energetically with the centres of the the human machine. Giving us more control over our centres and buffering the ego from being able to use the nervous system so easily.

We also make our nervous system more solar, that is by making it to function more with solar energies, as that is what circulates through it more when we transmute and work psychologically.

End (2851).

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