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Tuesday 29 January 2019

5 of 7 - Psychological Work and the Nervous System - (2852)


Our psychological work in many respects is an encounter with our nervous system.

The ego in our psyche accesses our nervous system through our brain.

Through the nervous system the ego has access to the centres of our human machine. Then through the centres of our human machine the ego has access to our feelings, actions and some of our instinctive bodily functions: such as digestion, heart beat, sweating, saliva production etc.

Displace Ego from the Nervous System

The main goal of the psychological work is to be able to displace the ego from using any one of our nervous systems. Which is the same thing as displacing the ego from our human machine.

As soon as we have displaced the ego from any one of our nervous systems we feel fine again and we are in peace.

The pangs of pain that we feel from the many egos that we have are felt in us through our nervous system.

If we are observant enough we can come to feel our nervous system and we can know through this kind of observation when the ego is starting to use our nervous system.

Buzzing Agitation

When we are irritated or awkward or uncomfortable, our nervous system has been activated by an ego and one can feel a certain buzzing or energy flowing into our nervous system agitating us.

Anxiety and Fear

The many symptoms of anxiety and fear are the sympathetic nervous system in action.

If we know how to engage our parasympathetic nervous system we can greatly diminish the very unpleasant sensations of the sympathetic nervous system acting on our body.

To do this we must breathe out long and slow, and breathe in reasonably deeply and quickly. This activates more the parasympathetic nervous system which is the one that relaxes. This also lowers our heart rate.

Sexual Energy

When a person can not control their sexual energy well during the alchemy it is due to the sympathetic nervous system being too active. This nervous system is the one which typically causes the loss of the sexual energy.

Therefore it would make sense that a person who has trouble losing the sexual energy to activate more the parasympathetic nervous system. Using long exhalations and reducing the importance being placed on the sexual organs by his or her focused attention. It also makes sense to then defuse the attention being placed on the sexual organ as energy flows to where attention is placed.

Pathways of the Ego in the Nervous System

After a long extended period of the ego using the human machine certain path ways of energy are established in the body between the brain through the nervous system to the centres. These pathways become more and more solid and so eventually what happens is that the ego does not need to think in us anymore to get access to the nervous system. Instead that groove connects the senses directly to the brain through the peripheral nervous system and from the brain to the autonomic nervous system then to the centres of the human machine. 

These grooves in our nervous system form a mechanical way in which we perceive certain events and also the way we respond to these events. Therefore we become very mechanical and conditioned through the nervous system.

The key in becoming conscious is that our psychological and esoteric work remove these grooves in our nervous system and make the nervous system flexible and pliable receptive to the consciousness.


The worst that can happen with our nervous system is that it becomes damaged and a hyper-sensitivity ensues.

Loud noises, rough impressions all harm our nervous system. We can then become easily frazzled, overwhelmed, irritated and nervous about everything.

Meditation and being in or near water actually is very good to relax, heal and strengthen our nervous system.

End (2852).

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