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Thursday 17 January 2019

2, 5, 7, 10 & 10 + 12 - (2832)


This post is to show the reader how esoteric our physical constitution is. That it has been made based on esoteric or cosmic principles.


The body of the human being can be divided into two. The left and right sides. Where it is said that the left side is the defensive or feminine side and the right side is the active and masculine side.

The two sides it has also been said represent the material and spiritual make up of the human being as well as the light and dark aspects of the human being.

Within the human being, as in Eden, are the two trees. Which are, one the Tree of Life and two, the Tree of the Science of Good and Evil.

The Tree of Life with its roots in the heart and its branches in the arterial system, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil with its roots in the brain and its branches in the nervous system.  

The human being also has two blood circulations. One for the day and one for the night. This is due to the fractioning of our our psyche, that is into one part conscious and the other part subconscious.

5 Points, 5 Centres, 5 Senses & 5th Body

Number 5 is the first number of the human being. Because the human being is also number 7 and number 10.

A human being has five points just like a five pointed star. With one rational central point ruling over the four corners which are irrational powers. These four corners are our four limbs, and they are also the other four centres.

The human being also can form a cross, indicating the balance between the material and the spiritual, and that the five can be reduced to four.

The above statement connects us directly to the Tree of Life. Where we see that the middle level, the fifth level: Tiphereth, is where the human soul the Master is found. From the world of will (causal) the inner Being through the human soul governs the four bodies below. This is the true state of the human being.

The five also represents the five elements, where the fifth element is Ether, where the other four elements come from. The fifth rules over the four.

7 Orifices, 7 Chakras & 7 Bodies

In our head, we have seven orifices and it is the location of the five senses. Two eyes (sight), two ears (hearing), one mouth (taste) and two nostrils (smell). Making seven orifices. The law of seven.

The two superior senses are the hearing and sight. As they can perceive from afar and take us less into the ego than the other senses. It is easy to see a glass of wine and hear it being poured, but to smell it and taste it, most often means that the wine glass will soon be empty.

There is also a triangle in our head, which represents three creative aspects of Divinity (akin to the three forces).

The eyes, nostrils and ears form a triangle, which as a triangle represent these three aspects.

The eyes are the eternal and creative principle (imagination), the spiritual truth, omniscience and wisdom - light.

The nostrils the creative breath which is the preservative and maintaining principle. The two nostrils are representative of the ebb and flow of the preservative principle.

The ears are the material or demiurgic principle that is - the word - sound. That which shapes in matter. Note, the ears and the throat form a intimate triangle.

10 Fingers

There are ten fingers which represent the 10 Sepiroth of the Tree of Life. Master Samael says that the human being is a living decade.

The numbering system which find most intuitive and easiest to use is the decimal numbering system. 

The four fingers on the hands represent the four elements and the three phalanges on each finger represent the three aspects of each element. These four fingers with three phalanges each make 12. Therefore on our hands are the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

When our two hands are put together we arrive at the 24 Elders.

It is said that the thumbs, with their base and two phalanges represent the three forces of Divinity. The creative, preservative and destructive, which is very similar to the three Gunas.

10 Toes

The ten toes represent the ten commandments. These ten Sephirah are the ten branches of the Tree of Life.

It has been said that the ten fingers represent the ten spiritual commandments and the ten toes represent the ten human commandments.

12 Senses and 12 Signs of the Zodiac

The five physical senses plus the seven occult senses makes twelve senses all together. Which is also the number of the signs that makes up the zodiac and the twelve salts in our physical constitution.

These twelve senses are the twelve fruits of the Tree of Life. 


It is our Divine Mother that makes our body. For her to have made our body she must know all these principles in depth. Knowing this we can more deeply appreciate the wisdom and power of our very own Divine Mother.

End (2832).

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