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Friday 18 January 2019

Envy has to do with the Sexual Force - (2833)


The ego of envy deep down is unsettled by how our sexual force has not been cultivated to fruition, so as to possess what we see others possessing.

A Walk - Great to Observe Subtle Envy

Say we go for a walk along a beach side boulevard, we may be able see envy in its many guises. Ever so subtly, we detect the slightest hint of envy stirring in our subconscious. We don't like to admit it, but admitting it is the way to more deeply comprehend it and dissolve it.

Subtle Envy

We envy the cars that others have been able own, the magnificent houses that others own, the partners that others have and their apparent happiness together, the fitness of others, the sculptured bodies of others, the discipline of others who wake up so early and are swimming, running, surfing and starting their day with purpose and direction, those that are meditating on the soft green grass under the shade of a tall, peaceful pine tree that makes a very mysterious WWWWHHHHHHUUUUU sound when the wind blows.

We remain a little fascinated wondering how they were able to own such a car, such a house, how do that maintain their routine, their body, their exercises, how do they live, etc. etc. it remains like a little mystery. Envy has us solve this mystery by imitation...

Sexual Energy and Envy

All of these things that we envy are the things that the sexual force and the will of others has allowed them to materialise and bring into creation and fruition.

Typically, envy in human beings is about the sadness of how we have not engaged our sexual force and will, to bring to reality the things that we wish for in the material world, such as money, possessions, lifestyle, body, mind etc. etc.

However, there certainly exists the same envy transferred into the domain of the spirit.


In the depths of envy is a lack of trust in our will and in our sexual force to bring to reality the things in our life that we wish for. Such as the elements we need for our realisation, a spiritual discipline, consciousness, comprehension of certain defects, mystical experiences, etc.

If we allow envy to reach our deepest yearnings it can become very painful...

Therefore it is best to work on envy and not allow it to take deep roots within us. 

The remedy of envy is to begin to trust in our will and sexual force and to then engage our will and sexual energies to work on ourselves.

The remedy has two parts and both parts should really be applied in succession, otherwise the remedy in its healing effect is incomplete.

End (2833).