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Sunday 13 January 2019

Atom Nous - Post 2: "The What" - (2816)


For further study on this subject of the Atom Nous please refer to the book written by M titled the "Day Spring of Youth".

There is a chapter dedicated to the atom Nous, which is well worth reading and studying. This post is essentially my notes of this chapter as well as a few insights. 

Left Ventricle of the Heart

Both Master M (which we assume stands for Moria) and Master Samael, place the Atom Nous in the left ventricle of the heart.

The heart has four chambers and the left ventricle is the chamber which has the thickest muscular structure. This is because it pumps the blood rich in oxygen to the whole body including all the vital organs. The blood freshly oxygenated by our lungs from the air we breathe in enters the left atrium and filters down into the left ventricle. 

The left ventricle is the chamber where the purest blood of the body resides. 

The left ventricle is at the bottom part of the heart closest to the centre of our chest if we ourselves wish to point a finger at the the left ventricle of our own heart.

The right ventricle of the heart also pumps blood but not to all the parts of the body. Therefore through the left ventricle the Atom Nous has a way to reach all the parts of the body. Where as if it was in the right ventricle it would be limited in its reach throughout the body.

Master Atom - Master Builder

The Atom Nous is the Master atom of the body. The master builder, it is an atom of the Innermost. Which we can understand to be an atom or particle of our Inner Being. That is an atom of Atman or Chesed. It is not an atom of physical matter but it is an atom of a spiritual kind. Meaning it is more of a minute source of intelligent energy "rotating in its own atmosphere" and this intelligent source of energy comes from our Inner Being.

It is the Master Atom that has control over and directs all the constructive processes of the body. It has absolute command over all the other builder atoms, who work for it. 

The Atom Nous contains a blue print for our spiritual development. The knowledge and wisdom to fulfill this plan is also contained in it.  

Nous in English means inner knowledge or a special kind of knowledge that is acquired through experience, and it is the knowledge that not all are privy to. The word Nous is particularly apt for this Atom as it contains the 'nous' for all of our spiritual development and the workings of the body.

We have had the same Atom Nous in the left ventricle of our heart in each body that we have had.

When the Atom Nous leaves our body the body atrophies and dies. It is what animates and directs the life in the body. The body is a cosmos in miniature, and the Atom Nous is the central sun of that microcosmos which animates, harmonises and orders the whole cosmos.

The heart's number is 1. If the heart ceases then the body dies immediately. The other organs can cease functioning yet the body still has life. As soon as the heart stops the body dies - it is number 1.

The Master Atom contains a model to which the body conforms to.

We can trust completely in the Atom Nous because it will never inspire anything evil in us.

The Atom Nous wishes that all men and women unit in harmony.

The Atom Nous sends messages to us so to live and function in accordance with its model. 

End (2816).

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