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Monday 14 January 2019

Atom Nous - Post 3: Why - (2819)

Aspiring Atoms

It is said by Master M as the way to work or attract the attention of the Atom Nous is by using the aspiring atoms. The aspiring atoms must form a bridge between us (our consciousness) and the Atom Nous.

The aspiring atoms are those that work within us motivating us to be honest before events and to discover ourselves, then transform ourselves.

The aspiring atoms are the atoms that we absorb from outside as well as the atoms which we have dwelling within us.

The aspiring atoms are those that yearn for and wish to reach the innermost. When we yearn for our innermost we actually activate and motivate those aspiring atoms.

We are helped in our esoteric work from inside of us by the aspiring atoms.

The Masters when we invoke them and ask for help deposit aspiring atoms in the atmosphere which we then absorb principally through breathing into our system

We have aspiring toms in our essence and in our sexual energy.

We need to take the issue to the Atom Nous, becasue as Master M wrote the Atom Nous resides within its temple and does not leave it and its radiations are not usually perceived by the person. 

So by focusing our transmuted atoms into the heart we impress and make contact with the Atom Nous. The stranger the attention and yearning the more forcefully we will make contact.

The aspiring atoms are particularly disturbed by our lack of honesty, in our word and conduct. Our negative thoughts also disturb and harm these aspiring atoms.

We must introduce into our system the atoms that are of the same nature as the Atom Nous. This way we can get the attention of our Atom Nous so that it can help us with our health, opening a chakra, dissolving an ego, increasing our energy and vitality, helping us to remember our past lives etc. etc.

The Atom Nous also helps us through the aspiring atoms by opening up channels between it and the various parts of the body. There is a pathway between the Atom Nous and the brain where the cells of the brain breathe in so to speak the intelligence of the Atom Nous. Thus through this passage way we can make contact using our mind the Atom Nous.

Secret Enemy Atom

There is a negative secret atom in our body as well. Located in the coccyx. Which becomes the kundabuffer projected downwards into our atomic infernos.

Master Samael basically says that it is activated through the sexual spasm or orgasm. The orgasm shocks it and makes it to become active. When the sexual energy is lost myriads of atoms of a negative kind enter into our system. These negative atoms feed the ego and block the work of the atom Nous and the atoms that work it’s direction. These negative atoms that flood in also energise the secret enemy atom making it stronger.

The loss of the sexual energy causes so many negative atoms to enter our body and no wonder why with fornication comes much bitterness in life and in relationships.

I mentioned the above to show you how the secret enemy atom is activated and strengthen using atoms of the same quality and so by duality the Atom Nous is also activated using the same principle (not losing the sexual energy though) which is to direct atoms of the same quality and nature as it, to it so to impress it and strengthen it. 

End (2819).

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