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Tuesday 1 January 2019

Both Envy and Jealousy are the 'Minus Interpretation' - (2779)

What Really Hurts These Two Egos


We take the success of others to be our failure or our innate inadequacy or ineptness to achieve.

In truth, the success of of another is due to their merit alone and it does not mean at all that we are inadequate or inept or a failure. We only believe this to be so.


We take the sight or news that the one whom our jealousy has latched onto loves another as being a massive sign of our unworthiness to be loved and as a great loss.

But in truth another person loving another does not mean we are loved less, or that we are unworthy of love, or that we are defective, or ugly, or boring or too old etc.  or that we can not love both of them back does it? No!

If the one whom our ego of jealousy has latched onto loves another it is due to the hearts and merits of those two and it does not mean we are any less.

The negative side of each sign of the zodiac. I see something there to work on! What about you?
According to the above Scorpios are prone to be jealous? And Virgos controlling?


These two egos are always about the less. Therefore linking them to the ego of pride. Envy is pride in the area of success and jealousy is pride in the area of  love or relationships.

They revel in the pain of the less and take everything to the less side. Even the less side has its duality (good and bad paints) as does the plus side.

They key to get out of the negative side is to go to the plus side of the event inside of ourselves and feel the plus, generate the plus by first of all seeing that we are not the negative side. That is, it is not really reflecting negatively in a personal way on us.

End (2779).

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