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Tuesday 8 January 2019

Debts of Love - (2798)

Tough Things - Debts of Love

We create them typically where we should have loved but alas we didn't.

Such as when we are children or when we are parents or when we are married, or when we have a family or we have friends. Such situations are where there is to be love, kindness, amiability etc. Enemies are enemies and enemies are nit usually friends, family or a spouse.

When it is our duty of care and we abandon this duty given to us by the Divine Law or we scorn at it and we are the opposite of love and care, we create painful debts of love. Which sooner or later we have to reckon with.

These debts are paid with a painful heart and moral pain. The painful egos of self-love, self-importance and jealousy are those which play a major role in paying these debts.

When we are bothered constantly by these egos and we can not progress in their elimination in relation to a person we can be sure we have debts of love that we still must cancel.

The karma from the past is what has the most weight in this life... 

When we treated our parents with disdain, it turns out that later our dear friends treat us 'apparently' unfairly and harshly.

In short, debts of love are always paid with love!

End (2798).

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