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Tuesday 8 January 2019

Our Nervous System - (2796)

Bridge to Our Inner Constitution

Our nervous system actually has a strong relationship with our inner esoteric constitution.

Through our nervous system the ego and the essence (therefore the inner Being) have a bridge into our physiology.

In this post I would like to outline how important a role our nervous system plays in our relationship with our essence (psychology) and our esoteric work.

In fact our nervous system is something very esoteric all by itself. Hint: the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Science of Good and Evil.

Nervous System According to Modern Science

Modern science tells us that all invertebrates have a nervous system. In the nervous system that an invertebrate has there are two main parts. Our nervous system, science says has, also these two main parts.

These two main parts are the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.

From the peripheral nervous system stems two other well known nervous systems which are the Autonomic and Somatic nervous systems.

From the Autonomic nervous system stem the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous systems.

These two nervous systems plus the central nervous systems are the ones which are very interesting to us in our esoteric work.

Theme continued in subsequent posts... When they are complete I will provide for links to them in this post.

End (2796).

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