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Sunday 6 January 2019

Linear Evolution Not the Case - (2788)

Common Belief

The common belief is that humanity is developing in a linear fashion. That is, from some point in the past humanity began developing until to today, and humanity will continue developing into the future all in a progressively upward sloping line.

The esoteric teachings and a bit of common sense tell us that this belief can't be so. 

Esoteric teachings say that it is more the case of humanity developing in cycles.

If we study just a little bit the Great Pyramid of Giza we will be able to see that it is really a masterpiece of craftsmanship and engineering that only really with today's technology we could construct it. History says that the Great Pyramid is 4500 years old, so then if we follow the belief of linear evolution it would have been impossible to have built the Great Pyramid in such a way that is still standing today.

I somehow doubt that the sleek metal and glass buildings that are built today could last 4500 years.

The many archaeological artefacts left to us, tell us that the humanity that made them back then was very advanced, much more than the linear belief of evolution allows us to conceive.

So once again, this shows us how the theory of evolution has really changed our perception of history and really has done some harm in the way of our thinking about ourselves and humanity and in turn that thinking has blocked our consciousness from expanding further into the truth about ourselves.

Practical Point Here

One good step to do in our personal work is to totally extract from our psyche the theories of Darwinian type of Evolution.

End (2788).

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