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Sunday 6 January 2019

Resort to the Values of Pardon and Forgiveness - (2789)

When our psychological work seems not to be healing some of the hurt from the past and when we remember the past and we still feel hurt, upset, resentful and perhaps angry, we have to resort to using forgiveness and pardon.

Our Intimate Christ is the one within us that marvelously manages those values.

It makes sense then that we should invoke him and pray to Him for Him to help us to forgive.

As He the Intimate Christ pardons us for our egos by dissolving them, He too can help us to pardon to erase our psychological debts. 

To further heal those wounds from the past, we finally understand that we have to forgive and pardon.

When what happened just seemed to be so unfair, so 'uncalled for', and within us there seems to be no way that we can see it as fair, we must resort to forgiveness and pardon to make it fair within us. As we forgive we set ourselves free, we give ourselves some peace and some freedom. But importantly - balance. Forgiveness balances the scales.

Understanding that everything happens for a reason and if we can't see a reason it must be that we did something in the 'way back' past to warrant it, helps but still the memories are painful and the resentment lives in us, we need to resort to forgiveness and pardon. 

We must use these values to right the scale within us once again. 

Forgiveness starts when we imagine the person and we say to them "I forgive you", then we pause, then we wait looking deeply inward for the gruff voices of the subconscious to rise up. 

To our surprise instead of protest we may feel peace and sigh a sigh of relief!

We could have been working on resentment for a long time now without ever haven forgiven.

But we must continue working until we really know it is definitively healed.

End (2789).

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