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Saturday 19 January 2019

Pressure Relief Valve - (2834)

Lots of Pressures

If we take our study of Gnosis in the wrong way we can cause a lot of pressure to build up within ourselves. When the pressure builds up we need a pressure relief valve of sorts. Please note, I am not referring to sexual pressure.

There is the pressure of time, our mortality, the amount of work to do, our daily life duties, our relationships, our job, finances, the pressure to prepare decent classes on time, the pressures from the complexity and desire of each ego etc. etc.

Relief Valve

Basically the right understanding is the pressure relief valve. The right understanding is the deeper kind of understanding that sees behind things and frees us from the box that we may feel like we are in.

For example, as a student you may not see why your instructor insists that you be regular in your attendance. We may think that this a bit of pressure. With the right understanding we see that regularity is needed to accumulate the results of our study and practice and that Gnosis is a long term study and practice.

There are other things that we can do as well. In the way of certain practices that break us free from any mould.

One of those practices is to concentrate on that which is much greater than ourselves. Using a concentration that integrates and unifies us with what we are concentrating on, and where our human personality melts away or is at least forgotten. That of course is our Being, the masters, the Cosmic Christ, nature, anything that is very much greater than ourselves.

To concentrate and relax so profoundly that we melt a little into one of these vast sources relieves us of all of these pressures.

We may start with nature, with the ocean, a lake, a river, a mountain, a jungle, a forest etc. Meditating on the image of ourselves right amongst the very character of the ocean, lake, forest etc. Then seeing our body melt away where we become awareness encompassing some of the greatness of the place.

Of course, when it is over we still have our egos...

We must continue working but this time with renewed energy and a greater perspective...

End (2834).

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