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Saturday 23 February 2019

Believing is Seeing - (2903)

Read Time: 1 minute 40 seconds


Normally people say seeing is believing. That statement is for the sensory mind, for every man and his dog. But for the free essence: believing is seeing. 

For example, when concentrating on water, say the ocean, we can use our imagination to become water and if we do this well we begin to see in our imagination. As, 'to be' is 'to see'. 

To Be is To See

To be something we must be seeing as that something. To be a human being is complete when we see as a human being. To be a lion is complete when the lion sees as a lion, and sees itself as a lion. The two go hand in hand seeing and being. But of course being is more transcendental and is above, beyond and deeper than seeing.

This brings into account, that 'to be' is 'to see' correctly. We can not be our consciousness or essence unless we do not see it or understand that that is what we are. There are human beings that see themselves as lizards and wolves and a million other strange things. So what are they really? They are human outside but inside they are not, so they are incomplete, a physical-psychological hybrid human animal.

Stops Seeing is not Believing

What stops us from seeing our Divine Mother or the ocean or what it is that we are concentrating on is that we for moments have some disbelief. We think a thought: "that image is a memory not a new image" then as soon as we think that we stop seeing because we stopped believing or in other words stopped being the ocean. We can not afford those thoughts if you want to concentrate really.

To trust leads to seeing. Many times in life we can only really see something or see how something can work when we believe in it.

End (2903). 

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