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Friday 22 February 2019

Carried Over from Past Lives - (2901)

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Come to this Life For...

We come to this current life for several reasons and with several charges (duties).

Here are some reasons why we have this life:

●To learn and mature. That is, primarily for the essence to learn and mature. The Monad also learns as the essence matures and learns.

●To prepare for the future. This obviously pertains to a greater plan of the Monad and the Divine Law.

●To complete certain works or processes that were left incomplete or failed. Our self-realisation is one of them.

●To compensate in many different areas of life and through many different stages and events of life.

●To receive compensation owing.

●To forgive and to seek forgiveness.

●To heal, repair many different kinds of relationships, with ourselves and our values, with our interior Divinity, with others, with nature...

End (2901).

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