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Thursday 28 March 2019

A Tribute to John DeMarco - (2970)

As some of you know a very good man and a really good missionary - John DeMarco passed away in the early hours of Tuesday morning on March the 26th. 

John really went through a lot for more than a year. Several lengthy surgeries, numerous treatments and a lot of really tough side effects to deal with. I often imagined how he could have dealt with that. I can't stand feeling nausea for even few minutes. Really, no can doubt that he showed great courage and endurance in the last years of his life. I never heard news of him, complaining or losing the plot or anything like that.   

I remember John and Janice doing the missionary course in Perth in the year 2010 to 2011. I have fond memories of John giving his lectures, he liked to deliver a lot of info in a very efficient (speedy) way. So when John would step up to give his talk, we would take a sigh of relief as we knew it would be good, to the point and not run over time. He always had a lot of  examples and information to give, which he gave so freely and in a very graceful and graceful ‘particular to him’ way. I would honestly still like to receive a talk from him. Well, it can't be now, but many of us have a good memory of his talks, and that brings a hearty smile to one.

Anyone who does a missionary course to work for the spiritual benefit of humanity is wonderful!

To become a missionary and to work as one, holds much sacrifice. That is so rare and so admirable! Who these days does that? You will certainly not find that in the next house down the road.

There is lots of love in a person who does that. There is the essence of love pulsating within the mind and heart of the person. This in a person is a gift to humanity. So John's passing is a loss for humanity, a loss as a husband to Janice, as a missionary, as a friend to his many friends and as a wonderful human being that working in the three factors for many years benefited invisibly the planet and all human beings whom did not know him.

So many times John and Janice gave their beautiful good will in the way of attendance and support to the retreats held in Perth and the retreat was made better for it. How can one replay such beautiful good will, and such effort to come from so far - Saratoga to Perth. Even at the airport they were so 

I wish from the bottom of my heart that all the wonderful things of John sum up and go to him to deliver him into the hands of his Divine Mother where he as essence, as soul will be completely looked after, protected, nourished and favourably set up for the chance to complete his work of the full development of his soul. Certainly we can trust in that as that is the way that things work and for sure John must have cleared much of his debts that were held in the invisible balance, that from here we can not see or hear.

God Speed John! 

End (2970).

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