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Wednesday 27 March 2019

Right or Wrong? - (2972)


Right or wrong is relative.

Relative to one reference point what you decide is wrong, but relative to a different reference point what you decide is right.

You may be right now, but change the reference point and you're wrong.

That's what happens to us a lot of the time. We decide according to one reference point, then the next day we think about what we decided relative to a different reference point and then we feel lament or regret.

So it all depends on your reference point that you choose.

Worst and Best Reference Point

The all time worst reference point is any ego. It always betrays us. We end up left without force, feeling disappointed and deceived by our ownselves. This is becasue the ego used as a reference point is usually displaced another ego or by reality itself.

The best and most reliable reference points are: the work, the path and the Being.

When we are ready and actually do make these three things: work, path and Being our reference points we will make the decisions right for the path.

The perennial ally of the above reference points is the truth. Looking for the exact truth when having to make a decision cuts one away from the choosing the reference point of the ego.

End (2972).

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