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Friday 15 March 2019

Elementals 2: More on What - (2941)

Elemental - Essence of a Virginal Spark
Master Samael is pretty clear when speaking about the elementals. 

He essentially says that they are essences whom derive from a virginal spark (does not have self-realisation yet) of the Great Universal Fire of Life. That is, an elemental is an essence, whom has a Monad or a Real Being just as we do.

He says that the essences of the Monads who descended from the Absolute into creation began their presence in creation as mineral elementals in the first round of creation, then as vegetable elementals in the second round, then as animal elementals in the third round, then in the fourth round as human elementals.

The word elemental brings us the idea of the most basic, the simplest state or stage or substance. So that is what an elemental is, an essence which is the simplest part of the Monad, the bare essentials of the Monad.  

So then there are several types of elementals, there are those who have a physical body, whether it be that they belong to the mineral, vegetable, animal or human kingdom and those that do not have a physical body. 

Master Samael says that the elementals of a mineral and or plant is not bound to the physical body, it can move and leave it at will.

Then there are the Devas, the Guru Devas which are those that provide the design and function for the creatures in Nature, in which the elementals inhabit.

The other elementals that do not have a physical body fulfill certain other functions, of which to name are few are to protect sacred places and to act as guardian spirits. 

The elementals are needed in creation, they are the ones that infuse and supply nature with its life force. We obviously need them, if they were to leave then we could not survive.

They are creatures of the Almighty Creator and as such, and unlike us obey its will.

They could easily destroy us if they wanted and we can harm nature as well. So certainly we should not have the idea that they are totally subordinate to us. More about that in the next post.

End (2941).

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