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Monday 18 March 2019

Elementals 3 - Elementals and Us - (2942)

Human State

To have arrived at the human state is an achievement of a cosmic order. Because to have our essence inhabiting a human body is is the result of many rounds of evolution. 

Our own essence did not descend straight away into a human body but rather it started off as a mineral, then a vegetable, then a animal then finally a human.

To have arrived at having an essence in a physical body, means that our essence has gone through many cycles of involution and evolution and has numerous lessons through the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms to be fit to live the life of a human being.

In the way of the learning of the essence, the state of the human being sits above the learning of the minerals, plants and animals.

However, this is the ideal case but the human being with the ego has lost its learning.


The human being is a cosmos. Though a cosmos in miniature. An animal, a tree, a plant a rock is not a cosmos - that is a microcosmos. Only a cosmos, that is to say a microcosmos, a macrocosmos, a mesoscosmos can realise itself, because it contains all the elements that are ever present in the cosmos or universe.

Major Power

The human being by default is a major reckoning power in nature. The human being is poised to be the king of nature. Eventhough, this is reserved for the real human being, the human being in its fallen state still has a tremendous power over nature.

This has been set up that way so the human being can have the opportunity to realise itself. The whole aim of creation is for the Monads, the virginal (without self-realisation and have not entered into creation before) sparks of the Great Fire of Life - the Absolute to get their realization so to enhance and make the Absolute more aware and cognizant of Itself.

The human being is one of the Earth's most vitally important organs. The Earth can not survive without us and we can not survive without it - of course.

As everything is interrelated and connected in a great web, where one element affects all others, co-operation is the correct approach. Not the approach of domination for self interest. Which is the approach of the current human being. 

Elementals and the Human Being

From the esoteric teachings that we have in Gnosis, it is the order of things that the real human being has the right to command the elementals. However, through various magical type of practices those human beings that are not yet real human beings, can in some command the elementals of nature.

The real human being is the human being that has Justice inside of him or her and that justice will not violate the will of the Divine Law (an aspect of God). Such a human being is one that can be trusted.

The elementals of nature can be commanded for unjust or just reasons. Why, you may ask, becasue they simply obey, and being innocent the karma falls on the one who commanded them. 

Because the human being has the ego, the human being can not really relate well with the elementals of nature anymore, and what's more the human being, being asleep can not even see them anymore and ignores that they are there.

The human being seeks to dominate nature, however it is going about it the wrong way. The right way to dominate anything is to know it very well and work with it in balance, respecting the way it functions and lives. If we don't work with it in balance we or it become slaves and then neither one is happy. The way to human being dominates nature is very unbalanced, they just take and take to sell it for the good of their pockets. Terribly one sided, but nature is not one sided it is a huge network.

End (2942).

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