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Wednesday 20 March 2019

Elementals 6 - Among Them - (2953)

The elementals of nature most certainly do have their kingdoms. They have their dominions where human beings are out of place and do not necessarily belong.

If you have ever been to Milford sound in the South Island of NZ you will know what I mean... 

What a foreboding place, one can really feel that one stepped into a special kingdom that ought to be treated with respect. Waves of reverence emanate from the mountains, the trees and the waters sending the message - "what is man doing here?". 

What force and strength of vitality there is there! One feels so rejuvenated and left in awe of the great vital forces of the Earth that are still in activity. Images of the "Hall of the Mountain King" come to mind, the domain of the giant talking tress, elves and the mountain king bearing down upon you.  

Imagine the ocean depths, the ocean trenches the many lakes, seas, estuaries and rivers, they are the domain of the undines, the high spheres of the Earth amongst the highest mountain peaks are the realms of the sylphs. The fiery bellows of the volcanoes are the realms of the salamanders of the fire. 

It is said that some elementals are happy and willing to help human beings while are others are very wary - well with just reason. Man now days has no appreciation of the elementals or nature spirits and just wishes to use nature (the result of their work) for its own benefit.

The elementals are said to be quite zealous with their domain...So as to protect it and keep it free from prying human hands, that will only corrupt or pollute it.

Even they may be reaching out to human beings to inpsire them to help humanity to take more care of nature.

There are hierarchies and hierarchies everywhere in the cosmos and so amongst the elementals of nature. Sitting at the the top are the Guru Devas who guide, instruct and watch over the elementals. Then there are elemental Kings and Queens.  

There are the workers and the bosses, just as there is everywhere.

Their main job it is said, is to build up and bring the life force delivered tot eh Earth from cosmic sources into nature in the various forms that can be fixed or stored in the life of mineral, plant and animal kingdoms.

They are so powerful as they are all essence and no ego. All their will is free. We think that a little slip of a sylph is insignificant and has no power but we are wrong there.

End (2953).

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