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Wednesday 20 March 2019

We Put Ourselves into Psychological Jail - (2952)

Karmic Psychology

In general when a person breaks the law they can go to jail, depending on the law. Fair enough, that is the law. When they have served their time, they are out, their debt paid and a new life begins. They can live rightfully so as a free person and enjoy life just as much as anyone else. If their psychology co-operates that is. Otherwise the person can psychologically stay in jail continuing to punish themselves, feeling unworthy, guilty, wretched, below society etc.

This psychology of punishing ourselves is what we can call karmic psychology and takes up residence in our psychology when we are paying karma and even after the karma has been paid.

A person can err and not break the law of the country. But none the less that person can him or herself into jail by creating a total downwards change in their psychological structure that lowers, doubts and humiliates themselves.

Many people even feel like this without having made an error in years. This tells us that their version of the karmic psychology is active within them. It also tells us that they created this karmic psychology at some point in the past, because obviously they erred. We have all erred. We can not judge. We don;t even know most of the time how we have erred.

The interesting thing about karmic psychology is that we end up paying our debts but the karmic psychology stays. So we must adapt our psychology to the new state which is a state clear of that debt. Knowing that our debt has been paid we don't have to keep that structure alive anymore of lowering, humiliating, doubting, feeling guilty, anxious, worried, uncomfortable, in life. 

The purpose of that structural set-up of our psychology has been served and it no longer serves a purpose and we must adapt our psychology to suit the new conditions.

Even people after some months in Gnosis develop the symptoms of karmic psychology becasue why? Because their karma accelerates and deep down they know it and their own version of the karmic psychology takes hold from within the subconscious and stays there in the background.

Actively working to pay our karma helps to shift this background state.

End (2952).

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