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Monday 11 March 2019

Out Gardening and Having to Prune Trees and Bushes - (2932)

To Know

Commonly people just prune a plant or a tree or cut it down all together without thinking about the elemental or the life of the plant or tree.

The following excerpt from Master Samael's book "Igneous Rose" tells that plants and trees do feel pain just as we do and that there are esoteric procedures to follow before pruning a plant or tree, that actually avoid harm to the elemental.

Which is essentially to ask the Divine Elemental to withdraw part of its elemental body from the branch to be pruned.

In the excerpt below Master Samael gives the esoteric procedure to carry out before we ingest part of the plant for medicinal or nutritional purposes.


"135. When we tear part of a tree or a plant, the elemental feels the same pain that we feel when one of our limbs is torn from our body.

136. Before taking a plant, a circle must be traced around it, and it must be blessed. We must then beg the elemental creature for the desired service.

137. A triangle must be traced around trailing plants. They must then be blessed, and then taken [read Treatise of Esoteric Medicine and Practical Magic by the same author].

138. The elemental creatures of the plants are totally innocent because they have not yet departed from Eden. They still have all the terrific powers of their seven igneous serpents."

End (2932).

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