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Monday 11 March 2019

Why Burn Incense? - (2933)

To Prepare Atmosphere

The following excerpt about Frankincense from Master Samael's book: "Igneous Rose" gives us several reasons why.

Among the many reasons why incense is burned is the reason that it prepares magically the atmosphere were various esoteric practices can be performed.  

I like the excerpt given by Master Samael becasue it is very practical and there is a mantra too, used to invoke the elemental of Frankincense: ALUMINO is the mantra.

Symbolic Meaning of Burning Incense 

The burning of incense is very symbolic. Fire is needed to release the fragrant and purifying aroma locked in the material body of the incense. It reminds us a little of sacrifice and transmutation doesn't it?

In short, fire (spiritual element) matter is sacrificed to release the spiritual values present within it. 

Transmutation works in the same way. By the action of the sexual arousal, will and imagination the energy hidden within the sexual energy rises up through the various energy channels to the brain and heart. 

When we work psychologically we, using the fire of the consciousness, love and wisdom sacrifice the heavy psychic matter (various "I's") to release from them the values of our essence that lie conditioned within them.


"115. Authentic frankincense is obtained from the Olibanum tree. It contains great elemental powers.

116. If frankincense is soaked in water, it has the power to make the elemental creatures of the water concur to our call.

117. When frankincense is applied to the forehead, it has the power to make a headache caused by strong mental preoccupation to disappear.

118. The smoke of frankincense has the power to make the masters and angels of the invisible world attend.

Olibanum Tree
119. Frankincense prepares the environment for the Gnostic rituals.

120. Frankincense is a great vehicle for spiritual waves of pure devotion. It helps the mystical retreat because it serves as an instrument of devotion.

121. In the ancient temples of the mysteries, those who were ill were surrounded with the smoke of frankincense in order to be cured.

122. The creatures of the water happily concur when we soak frankincense in a vessel of water.

123. Frankincense must be burned when we are going to sign a friendly pact. The Aztec magicians smoked tobacco when they signed a pact with the Spaniards.

124. They did this with the objective of preparing the atmosphere for the signing of the pact and in order to have friendly conversation.

125. However, we recommend the burning of frankincense for these objectives, because the smoking of the tobacco has the effect of converting itself into a filthy and disgusting vice.

126. Frankincense must be used by all the devotees of the path.

127. Frankincense must be utilized in the moments of matrimonial vows, etc.

128. Devotion and veneration opens the doors of the superior worlds for the devotees of the path.

129. When we penetrate into the elemental temple of the olibanum trees, we see each one of the elemental children of these trees playing happily in the temple of frankincense...

130. These elementals use yellow tunics and their mantra is “Alumino.”

131. We can invoke these elementals with this mantra, so that they can prepare the atmosphere of frankincense...

132. The angel who governs these elemental creatures resembles a bride clothed with a wedding dress...

133. Each one of these trees has its own elemental.

134. We will not tire of explaining that each plant and tree is a physical body of an elemental of nature who is preparing to one day enter into the animal kingdom and later into the human kingdom."

End (2933).

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