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Tuesday 12 March 2019

Psychological Implications of the Fall - (2934)

The psychological implications are so vast.

There was the fall and then came the consequences. Each of these two stages has their psychology. 

There was the psychology behind the fall, this psychology holds the psychological reasons and a bit of the ontological reasons as to why we fell. 

Then there is the psychology of the mistakes that come to be as a consequence of having fallen. 

Then there is also the psychology that further developed the "I's" that were created. 

This is the psychology of combinations and transactions, and it develops the "I" and creates various other "I's". 

Hence we have the three problems and their remedies to do with the ego:

1. Stop the creation of new "I's" by the transformation of impressions.
2. Weaken the existing ones by the action of the state of alertness
3. Eliminate the existing ones - Divine Mother

End (2934).


  1. About the creation of new I's you mean to say we keep creating new ones and if so what is stopping us from
    having the free 3% of consciuosness bottled up by lifes end , if this was the case then surely we'd all end up with
    no free essence and I'm not referring to those people who are obvious lost causes but the rest of us .

    1. We certainly create new "I's" along the way but also some old small "I's" die. Depending on how we lived we can end up with less than 3% of free essence. I think now days many people may have less than 3%. That figure was a general figure coming from the number three of the three forces.

  2. I read somewhere that the figure of 3% come from Carl Jung's research into the subconscious .... at any rate for those without gnosis can small I's still die ..and if not then would that mean through each succesive life they're born with less and less free essence because if that were the case then by now we'd pretty much all be without any free essence and very degenerated

    1. Sure very small I's starved for long enough die. Good point though I have wondered abut that myself. After so many lives surely we would have to have no free essence left. But the reality seems to be that there is always a minimum that gets upheld for the normal person who has not done anything exceedingly grave.IT may have also taken many lives to bottle up the consciousness as well. 3% though compared to 97% is pretty miserable and we are so very degenerated right now and it is increasing.
