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Tuesday 12 March 2019

Past Lives, Psychological Work and Karma - (2930)


This post is about how the knowledge of an event in a past life can aid one's psychological work.

After some reflection, I am coming to the conclusion that knowledge of past lives is part of the psychological work.

Past Events

It can be that something that we did in the past is the cause for the creation of a few egos and some facets of other egos. It could have also strengthened the egos tremendously.   

Just one grave action which took a minute or less to commit unfolds into something that profoundly impacts our psychology which in turn affects our life and future lives.

A grave action of the past can produce the following deep factors in our psychology:

➻Anger and Pride

Origin of Anxiety

Where would you suppose that anxiety or fear come from? Of course they come from our own past but from which event did they get their arising and through which events or behaviours were they strengthened.

There is a particular event in the life of everyone that gives rise to anxiety. Fear and anxiety are an inner attack on ourselves. Distrust of our own self is a critical attack of our mind our own selves.

The interesting thing is that this self-attack is so strong and is backed impenetrably by our karma. Fear and anxiety have their origin in transgression.

It could be that we did something really terrible and in recognition of the gravity of that deed we concentrated our will against ourselves feeling: "that we don't deserve to feel alive", "that we are not worthy of normal function and feeling" and "that we should remain punished"...     

From there come so many different variations of anxiety and depression, where we don't consider ourselves worthy or capable of meeting others, of being accepted in society, of being loved or liked, or able to stand at the same level as others...

The paradox is that people in this life feel sorry for us, and try to protect us, but if they only knew what the origin was of that depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and low self-confidence etc.

Running from the Law

To run from the physical Law only ever increases our fear and anxiety. People do it becasue they are scared of the consequences. Running from the Law only leaves those who do it with the permanent fear of slipping up and getting caught. Which leads to restlessness and anxiety. Further to that the inner scale still remains unbalanced, as nothing yet has been done to right the scale, running only makes it worse. The physical and internal Law are always more lenient when a person takes responsibility...The person who runs or by fear avoids does not see this.

Now it is easier to understand Socrates, on the night before his execution. He was offered the chance to escape but he declined. It would have been easy to have arranged his escape it is said. But he wished to fulfill the Law as he knew that the Divine all prevailing Law was behind it for some reason and that running was not the answer, it would catch up with him anyway. His commitment was to justice always even if that meant his apparently undue and unjust death.

To be put into jail is the way to balance oneself inside as well as outside for the fault having been committed. Most of those in jail are at ease once they get use to being there. Of course I imagine some do live in stress because of the threats from other inmates etc. Maybe that is due to certain actions once in prison or unfortunate continued karma or either accelerated karma...

Sentimentalism and Guilt

To have committed a action and then think to of those whom it will affect and to see their faces, their shoes, their clothes, their personal effects etc. immediately engenders a kind of sentimentalism that is full of feelings "sorry feelings" which become guilt and regret...The interesting thing is that it always processes in relation to others with images of their family and their personal effects.

Anger and Pride

The cause of so many crimes as master Samael says is the wrong internal state. We can easily commit a terrible action becasue of this combination.

If we have committed a terrible action due to this combination that pride and anger whose union culminates in violence will scar us and will be ever present in our mind in the form of very bothering thoughts. Even thoughts for arise for no apparent reason against the sweetest, softest, cutest and most  beautiful of things, and this is what really bothers us.

This certainly has a reason for being that way becasue owing to that combination of the two defects we committed against that which was a beautiful gift of the divine to a person.

This combination will have a karmic force behind it and will always be like something obtuse to us and provoke an intimate fear, becasue it is so strong and is related to unpaid karma it will have an unpredictable quality to it, which is scary.

What to Do? That Action was in the Past

As soon as we know through some knowledge of our past the cause we must begin to work to understand that that action was the cause and now I carry around in my psychology and system the effects of that action. 

We then have to work on the causes of that action to pay any unpaid karma related to that action. As we pay that karma we can rest easier as the anxiety and fear will begin to go. Knowing the cause of anxiety is also a major discovery which sets one more at ease, because one understands it is due to the past and nothing in the present is going to effect us, well only the unpaid karma. 

Residues - Conclusion

We are basically left with many residues from the faults that we committed in the past. Those residues end up in some new egos that we have, in new facets to the egos that we already have and to karma which becomes a huge impediment and also becomes the cause of many other new karmic debts and psychological "I's".

End (2930).

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