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Tuesday 19 March 2019

The Start to Separation: Do you Agree with the Ego? - (2951)

Check this Out 

Our psychological death or transformation begins in the intellectual centre, then progresses to the emotion and ends in the motor centre, and our liberation begins in the motor center and progresses to the emotion and ends in the intellect.

So our separation from the ego which is a stage in the death of ego begins in our intellect. Got that?


So then, do you agree with the ego? Do you honestly agree with the way it thinks, with its point of view, with its proposed way of solving things, with its projections, with its actions, with its words, with its pain, with its sense of unfairness, with its needs, etc.

If we honestly find that we do agree with some of the above things from the ego, then separation will be difficult and will require work.

To honesty answer these questions we have to separate ourselves from the ego don't we?

If we have the view that the ego's views, ideas, protests, way of thinking, etc are our ways of thinking, protests, ideas then we can not experience separation, and therefore, progress in our freedom is at a stand still.

Does that make sense to you?

End (2951).

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