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Saturday 13 April 2019

Create a Fortified Sanctuary - (2998)

This is something useful. Through practices and discipline create a sanctuary for yourself, where you can isolate yourself from impressions, where you can quieten the worries, the bothersome thoughts, quell the inferior emotions...

Your fortified sanctuary upon entering and spending time there allows or facilitates you going deep inside yourself. It is a place or a time where you can revitalise and draw much needed wisdom and solace.

Cross the bridge into your sanctuary and leave behind all cares, worries, thoughts
of life and enter into peace within yourself to touch your light to search, to find, 
to know, to comprehend, to renew, to strengthen, to love... 
When you have this sanctuary created you can tell yourself when experiencing a difficult moment, "it doesn't matter, I'll be in my sanctuary soon and all will be fine, I will relax, become quiet, feel well, draw wisdom and breathe solace, and I will solve everything".

This sanctuary could just be practising meditation at a certain time of the day where you feel most relaxed, at peace, united, strong etc. Or it could be in a room of the house that you enter and close the door behind you, or it could be waking up very early in the morning and going to the beach or a park and meditating, praying and walking mindfully before the sun has risen. It could be while driving to work alone in your car even, or an hour alone in your room before going to work, or at work in the stairwell during break.

The thing is that you consecrate that space and time as your fortified sanctuary. This is what makes the difference. This is what really makes it different and magic for you.

End (2998).

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