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Saturday 13 April 2019

We Take Things All Relative to A Debt or a Lack - (2997)

Whenever we receive an impression, we often automatically take it relative to our psychological debts and psychological lacks.

It is really true that we feel very hurt when we have already have a psychological debt with a person and the same person makes some uncalled for remarks. We always tend to take those comments in relation to the particular nature of the debt. I mean by this, that if they have verbally criticised us before and we felt hurt, we will take whatever they emit as a cristicism and feel hurt as per the psychological debt. If we did not have a psychological debt registered in our system then we would not feel so hurt, we would be more like stunned or shocked, but not really hurt. We feel hurt, rebellious, defiant, angry because of the debt.

Another very coarse example is that we see a nice house we feel 'low' because we take that impression relative to our psychological lack of needing or wanting a house etc. due to feeling insecure, not having enough etc. etc.

In the end we have to work to heal and cancel the debts within us. A way to do it, is to renounce the value that was taken or not returned. If it was our good will that they disregarded, then we must  work to renounce receiving the impression of having our good will noticed, acknowledged, understood and respected etc. or reciprocated.

Also forgiveness and pardon are another way to heal and cancel psychological debts. Forgive the person who hurt you. 

End (2997).

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