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Sunday 28 April 2019

Energy Accumulates According to the Activity - (3008)

Energy Accumulates that is What It Does 

When we use energy it gets stored in our system.

A person who makes an effort to use their consciousness, will by virtue of these efforts will end up accumulating energy in their consciousness.

If a person sits all day and night that physical activity causes energy to get stored in their physicality which makes to sit more and more. That they get heavier and heavier putting on weight.

If a person exercises physically they accumulate energy in their muscles and other systems of the body that allow them to exercise in time for longer and for more intensity.

Important Point

So then we all have energy, and the important point is that it accumulates in us depending on the activities we undertake.

So then here is the key how the masters have so much energy in their consciousness and how they have all these powers. Because they accumulate vast quantities of energy in their psychological and esoteric systems and constitutions.

All the virtues, values, powers and faculties are accumulations of special types of energies.

End (3008).

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