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Sunday 28 April 2019

Have You Constructed Your Heart Temple in Your Conscious Imagination Yet? - (3009)

The Real Picture

There are several inner temples and it can all get a bit confusing.

There is the heart temple - a real inner temple residing in our heart centre. Where the atom Nous of the Being resides.

There is the temple in which the Being of a person receives when the person completes the first initiation. In this temple the Inner Being officiates. This temple, as I understand it is located outside of eh person in the internal worlds such as the astral world.

Then there is the generic inner temple, which is more of symbol than anything else, depicting the status of a Beings work of self-realisation.

Inner Temple as Symbol of a Being's Work

As we work, we either construct our inner temple or we restore our inner temple (fallen bodhisattva).

When a person falls and remains fallen over several lifetimes, due to neglect, the person's inner temple goes to ruin.

The work that we do and the Inner Being does on the esoteric path constructs or restores one's inner temple. 

This inner temple is a symbol of the Being's work of self-realisation. 

Heart Temple In Imagination

In Gnosis we do many practices withdrawing our attention within, to search for our inner Divine parents within our heart temple.

The means by which we travel within ourselves is by imagination and will, where belief is used as the will component.

It makes sense that we need to construct using our conscious imagination our heart temple. This is enormously useful, because if we do it we really develop our conscious power of imagining and we create something that we can easily and quickly seek refuge in.

When we create our heart temple in pour imagination it takes up a powerful presence within our inner space and then all the doors are open for us in the silence of the mind to meet one day our Divine Mother or Inner Being.

The clearer the heart temple is in our imagination the more effective the refuge will be, that we take in it.

We can develop our imagination so much so that what we imagine is as real as what we see with our eyes. Then what we see with our imagination can comfort us so much...

Imagination is a real special something within a human being...

End (3009).

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