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Monday 1 April 2019

Shown and Taught Slowly Through Imagination - (2978)

Sometimes we want to how a certain series of future events will play out.

This pertains to the realm of imagination. That is, the realm of seeing. We can be very apprehensive because we can't imagine how things will unfold and we will deal with what unfolds. 

Before we enter into a series of events we can be slowly shown through our imagination how things more or less will be, but more importantly how we will be able to think, feel and conduct ourselves to better manage or solve the difficulties that could arise during those events.

Perhaps this comes from our own essence or our inner Divinity, I am not sure but it is a interesting thing that is very helpful and as it does unfold it really takes away a lot of apprehension and worries.

So then as a conclusion then, we can ask our Divine Mother to put things into our imagination about how those future series of events or possible events will unfold and how I can deal with them. Don't expect the spectacular, it will come to you very naturally, so naturally that yo won't even notice it, it will feel like it is you working it out. But it is really magic, but a magic transformation has taken place inside of you. What really made you scared and worried, sets you at ease because you have worked out how it will be and you see that you can deal with it reasonably well.

End (2978).

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