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Monday 1 April 2019

Why we Have this and That "I" - (2979)

There are many answers and explanations, this is just another which may coincide with what you have heard, been taught or discovered for own.

We have this or that "I" because we have along the ay forgotten about the essence and its abilities and qualities, and above it's individuality. Basically all due to a lack of self-remembering.

We have lust because we have forgotten about our own sexuality. We have forgotten that we have a sexuality, and it is because of this sexuality that we are attracted, it is not because of the other person. we forget that we have to relate to our sexuality then to other person. We just forget that, and go blundering in, all clumsy and stupid trying to relate with the other person, and of course making the stupidest errors in the process. 

With anger, we forget that we have intelligence and patience in our essence through we can solve the issue. we forget that our consciousness is the best problem solver there is. we have fear because we have forgotten our essence and our Being. We hold onto the mind as being the bastion of our security, and so we resist the flow of life, we resist to jump into it and flow with it.

The same applies to all the egos.

End (2979).

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