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Saturday 25 May 2019

A Temple is where Macrocosmos and Microcosmos Meet - (3042)

Any temple is a special place. Because every temple among so many other things is a place where the macrocosmos and the microcosmos intersect.

A human being - a microcosmos enters a temple where he or she hopes to meet something (light, peace, strength, inspiration) from above - that is something from the superior planes of consciousness - the macrocosmos.

A temple is a purposeful place built to serve a meeting point between the human and the greater Divine.

Each human being carries within a temple within their w heart and this too is a meeting place. Where the lower parts meet the higher parts. Where the essence goes to meet its mother, its spirit - its Father.

All temple no matter what religion, school, creed, faith serve as this meeting point.

End (3042).

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