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Saturday 25 May 2019

Transmute and See the Tree of Life in Action - (3041)

When we transmute it is quite helpful to see the tree of life.

The tree of life is in constant action within us. One really terrific way to see it in action is when we transmute.

We are here in Malcuth, we begin to transmute and we see and feel that our transmuted sexual energy of Yesod begins to rise and contact our emotion - our Hod, then our brain or mind - our Netzah.  With a bit of extra effort the transmuted energy begins to fill more the emotion and brain and begins to contact the heart - our will - our Tipereth.

From Tipereth - our will - our heart - the transmuted energy can be sublimated to contact our consciousness - our Geburah, and then later our Spirit - Chesed.

When the energy rises to Tiphereth it takes on a very new octave.

Jesod and Tiphereth are very special Sephiroths, they link Hod and Netzah, Geburah and Chesed respectively. Jesod and Tiphereth are linking Sephiroths. The other Sephiroths are not as linking in their nature as are Jesod and Tiphereth. I would even say that Jesod and Tipereth are critical pivoting points, i.e. balance points.

When Jesod is rogue it takes Hod and Netzah (emotion and mind) away from our will and we lose control of sex, mind and emotion, and logically the consciousness and Spirit in us then also lose control. 

Tipereth allows our consciousnesses and our Spirit to control the four bodies of sin - which are the mental body (Netzah), the astral body (emotion), the vital body (Jesod) and the physical body (Malcuth).

The Sephiroth that are on the middle branch, that is the branch of balance or consciousness are control or balance points. Through which what is below them can be controlled or rather balanced.

End (3041).

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