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Sunday 26 May 2019

Lust Brings Anger - (3043)

Lust and anger are linked. Anger can often appear after lust. This is because lust diminishes a person's resources, leaving the person with a kind of impotence. This impotence does not allow oneself to reach within and activate fully the faculties that can help us. Because of this impotence certain issues in life can not be adequately resolved.

Lust is the smoke and sex, sexual energy, sexuality is the flame. The smoke is noxious. The flame is all. 
Then anger appears with the function of bringing energy, force and strength to overcome this impotence. Therefore the person becomes irritated, annoyed and later angry. All due to a secret origin, which is lust.

End (3043).

1 comment:

  1. Also being aware of what lust is and refusing to act on it means pride doesnt get to resusitate itself and considering the ego is present it can deviate its initial lusty attempt into any branch of its origin ie. Anger protects pride. I know this one too!
