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Saturday 29 June 2019

Can You Be or Give What You Expect? - (3105)

Our concept of a friend can be such that we expect 100% trust and 100% access into their affairs.

If that does not happen then we feel set aside, an outsider, abandoned, impotent to help and betrayed with trust damaged. As petty as that sounds there are people like that.

Anyway the question is, we may expect that but do we give that or can we give that to another? 

No! Is mostly the answer. 

Even if you really want to, you can't do it all the time and if we do, do it, sometimes it just complicates things with actually costly effects, manageable, but still costly.

This suffering can be dissolved when we become conscious and we realise that we can not give what we expect and that we are not being real, we are stuck in the mind, in a fantasy - in other words asleep!

When we wake up here a bit, we give the other person 'a break' and we see that it is silly to feel all that rot that I listed in the second paragraph.

We realise too that we are not loving the other person, we are loving our stupid concepts which we are simply not fully aware of. Such rigid concepts cause us suffering and that suffering we invariable pass onto the poor other. 

Anyway I think that would be awful to give a person access to all of me with some of the rubbish that I have in my mind.

End (3105). 

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