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Friday 28 June 2019

Money Test Points - (3104)


In our dreams we can have tests about money. Here are some points, that are good to reflect on now and then. 

Usually when we are attached to something, tests or challenges come along providing some difficult moments, and those difficult moments issue a call to look within.


We always have available what we need.

To give to others is for sure always to give to ourselves. If we have helped others before, when we need help what we have given to others will be given to ourselves.

You can be sure if you look after others you too will be looked after. There are immutable cosmic laws behind this such as reciprocity and cause and effect.

To spend wisely is make the economy flow. We are linked in fact to the country's and the global economy. When we retain money we stagnate the economy, the chain of benefits stops. This is to have a more of a global consciousness. But we can not just spend like crazy because we ruin ourselves and those in our lives.

We can not take money with us to the grave or crematorium. Money is not really ours because we put it inside of ourselves, but dharma or merit is ours. How we use money gives us dharma or merit.

The money that we have is a reflection of our cosmic merits.

When we have given to others and we are in need of money it will come to us without asking. When we have to ask we are lacking in merits.

To borrow money and not pay it back, incurs a debt for us. To make others work for us when we can work and not give back in some way causes us to incur debts that will be collected one day.

When we have money we can be attached to the round figure. 

It is not really having money that we like, it is the feeling that we get from it that we like. We like the feeling of it, not having it.

End (3104).

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