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Friday 28 June 2019

How to Control Sex? - (3103)

By Connecting to, Linking to and Integrating With

That's right the opposite of what many people think. Many people think that you have to go against sex and subdue it. Well that way leads to problems. When I say integrate, connect and link I do not mean indulge, roll in or revel in, I mean a conscious connection to, a conscious linking to and a conscious integrating with.

Problems Arise

Problems arise in our sexuality when we do not connect to, link to and integrate with our sexual centre.

The evidence shows us this. People have sexual problems because they allow that their sexual centre operates by itself, without connecting to it, linking to it and integrating it with their other centres and their essence/consciousness.

What evidence then? If we observe the problems that arise such as adultery, flirting, promiscuity etc. they are about aligning with the sexual centre and not aligning with common sense, logical thought, the heart or ethics, higher values etc.

Of course, the sexual centre if left without any egoic influences is a resplendent supplier of energy, it just happily supplies energy and the egos of lust are the ones that have uses for it, with a high percentage of those uses being detrimental to the person.

Even if you have no egos you still have to transmute (raise the sexual energy to the brain or heart) but you will not have all those desires to do this and that and go here and there.


Conscious awareness is needed. Bring our sexual centre into our awareness. Normally, we don't do this, we do not extend fully our conscious awareness into the sexual centre. We also don't think of consciously relaxing the sexual centre either.

Using our consciousness we become aware of our sexual centre, we imagine it, we perceive the energy there, we understand that it is the natural functioning of the sexual energy to be a fount of energy. Using imagination and will, we then go move that energy from the sexual centre up our spine, into our brain and then down through a special channel behind our face into our heart. This is the connecting and linking stage.

Then we imagine and will that our sexual centre is connected and linked to our brain and heart and functions in accordance with what is relaxed, peaceful and comfortable with the functions and values of those centres. The values of the intellect are common sense, logic, reasonable, and the values of the emotion or heart are of integrity, wholeness, and integration that brings balance, harmony and contentment. Not nervousness, anxiety, depression etc.   

Mindful Embrace

We have to like consciously embrace the sexual centre, not be at war with it and see it as a good friend, and if there difficulties do persist we have to do this more frequently and with more fervour - that is with more emotion or will.

Transmutation is a connecting, linking and integrating action and also a prayer of the highest quality.


The issue with people is that they don't even connect, link and integrate as an action with the sexual energy to at least see how it can help.

End (3102).

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