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Monday 29 July 2019

A Human Being Can Not Resist the Law - (3136)

The power of the Divine Law is as solid and unmovable as Mount Everest. We as a human being can not bend it!

An element in ourselves – called Pride is the one that always tries to reckon with the Law and bend it. No other “I” does that except for Pride.

Pride in human beings is the element that rebels against the Law. The Being inside a person is also the Law.

Pride always thinks that it is the one that can get away with it and avoid punishment. It says things like punishment is for those ‘ordinary’ people over there.

When a person has been gripped by the strong arm of karma, any keen observer can see that stern and unmovable quality of the Law.

It is always just what we receive. We always forget that as well.

What we can do though is to work to amend ourselves, to correct our own inner unlawfulness and work to radically change ourselves and work to accrue dharma, so that we come under favourable eyes before the Law. Then we can defeat our own circumstances that are prescribed by the Law.

One lesson that I think any person who has fallen (as we all have) and is under the Law, learns in life, is that the Law is the right way, what is not of the right way is pain.

By the Law, we find the safest way, the way that is not stressful or degrading, the way where what we achieve stays with us, where even though it takes a long time it remains with us and the way of the Law is the way of our inner Being and cosmic harmony.

What is unlawful sooner or later gets taken away from us. In the superior worlds everything works by Law. Only really here in the physical world is where we can escape the Law – (but for a while only).

End (3136).

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