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Monday 29 July 2019

Intelligence in Relating to Sexual Energy - (3137)

The attribute for the Third Logos is Intelligence. A good idea is to use the attributes shown in the tree of life to relate to the various Sephiroths.

Certainly one very important quality that we need to relate well with the sexual energy is intelligence. Often that is precisely the quality we lack when we relate to our sexual energy.

Because we lack intelligence in relation to the sexual energy we fall into terrible lust.

Lust, when we analyze it, we usually surprise ourselves how stupid it is.

If we use intelligence we can better relate to our sexual energy and use it much more wisely without any adverse effects to ourselves or others.

The sexual energy itself is very intelligent and the way the Gnostic person relates to the sexual energy is spiritually and intelligently. To relate well to something one has to know what we are relating to. The more we know the sexual energy in all its perspectives physical, psychological and spiritual the better we can relate to it.

We can improve that relationship when we bring that relationship into the three brains of our human machine.

A person who transmutes is an intelligent person and such a person’s transmutation makes them more intelligent. Just as Master Samael also said that the opposite of transmutation – the loss of the sexual energy atrophies the brain, while transmutation regenerates the brain.

End (3137).

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