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Monday 29 July 2019

Why 108 Lives? - (3138)

Answer: 12 x 9 = 108


The number 9 is related to the nine months of human gestation. Also the nine Dantean circles below us and the nine heavens or Sephiroths above. Our passage into heaven or the abyss goes through nine levels, that is nine degrees of absorption or maturation.


The number 12 is related to the Zodiac. Also to the 12 smaller cycles (months) in the greater cycle of a year. The 12 zodiacal constellations, 12 apostles etc.

Therefore 108 lives represents a human being's gestation in the matrix (womb) of the Zodiac. 

We may then infer that in a human being's trajectory through 108 lives, there would be considerable travel from one sign of the Zodiac to another. We need experience and learn from each zodiacal influence. 

Final Comment

It is also worthwhile noting here what Master Samael says in relation to human gestation. He says that during gestation a human being passes through the 'four', that is the four stages of: mineral, vegetable, animal and humanoid. The nine months of human gestation prepare us for life on Earth, and completes our entry into life on Earth. Just as the nine heavens lead us into full absorption as a celestial citizen, as a realized one.

Once that 'human life on Earth' gestation is complete we are then ready to move onto the next step, which is either gestation in heaven or gestation in the underworld. Many Gnostic people right now are at this point. They have lived already many of their 108 lives and are currently in the process of defining themselves to begin their gestation in heaven or in the abyss.

End (3138).

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