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Friday 2 August 2019

Consciousness and Imagination - (3148)

Will and imagination can shape and locate our consciousness.

With imagination we engage our consciousness.

Our consciousness is where our attention is. If we control our imagination we control our attention and therefore we activate our consciousness.

Whenever we imagine, we engage consciousness. The consciousness participates in the two poles of imagination. When we visualise we do so consciously, using our conscious understanding of what we are visualising. When we receive in our imagination we use the newness of the consciousness. Where something previously unknown appears as a revelation through our consciousness.

When we fantasize - our consciousness sleeps.

Consciousness breathes life into what we imagine.

Our psychology is based on our state of consciousness. Our consciousness is totally flexible, elastic and transferable. Through our imagination we give it a reference point, then our psychology take on that reference point or base and function relative to that reference point.

Our self-image is something of imagination. The correct self-image correctly directs our consciousness in life.

Because we can transfer the consciousness we have bases. The higher parts within our consciousnesses have to decide where to transfer our consciousness to.

End (3148).

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