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Friday 2 August 2019

Hermaphrodite Word - (3149)

In our remote and ancient past in Lemuria human beings were hermaphrodite, that is the physical body of human beings accommodated both sexual organs - male and female.

With both sexes integrated into the one body, these ancient human beings had many powerful creative powers. This is pretty obvious. Because one had the ability to manage directly the creative energy manifesting through both poles, and so the power of creation was in the hands of each human being.  

Much later the division of sexes occurred. However there is a part of our body that is still hermaphrodite. It is our moth. Our lips are female and our tongue is male. When these two parts work together they create the word.

The word as we know has tremendous power to create. With our word we can construct wonderful things or wreak havoc and devastation.

Our word in energy is totally sexual - that is totally creative in power. I don't mean it is all about the physical sexual act but in origin it is of the two poles through which the creative energy flows.

End (3149).

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