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Friday 30 August 2019

Test of Justice - (3178)


There is a test called the "Test of Justice" on the esoteric path. Once again, it is a test that everyone who treads the path has to face.

Because of the latter and being aspirants to the esoteric path - it is a good idea to know about it. Especially to know it enough so as to recognise it and know the qualities needed to pass it.

The idea of this post is to open up the theme a little and explain a bit about it, essentially covering the points of: what, when, how and why.


If we examine the process of human justice we see the process being made up of a few steps. First there is accusation, then there is a trial, then there is judgement then there is the sentence.

The test of justice is about passing through these or similar circumstances. That is, the circumstances of being accused, judged and sentenced to some degree.

Often it is the Gnostic people that are the ones who provide the circumstances for this test.

There are some very interesting principles at play in a test. One is that the those of an inferior level of work or being are the ones who are put into place to test those of a relatively superior level. So those who are very dogmatic and fanatical often are perfect to play out the circumstances of such a test.

Another very interesting point to be aware of is that tests are setups (not entirely real), so the accusations that are to fly are false or are half or only a third true. This becomes apparent at the very onset of the test. In fact, this is how one identifies that one is under such a test.

It is also worth noting here that we all, along the way create the circumstances for our future tests. So to pass through the test of justice, usually, the things that we have done wrong or done not so well,  are used against us.

So it makes sense to some degree that maintain an very upright conduct makes this test light, lighter or even redundant. Because by virtue of one's excellent conduct, it is clear that one knows how to relate well to justice and there is less karmic weight to be shifted, If you read you will understand what I mean by the shifting of karmic weight.


This unique test is faced somewhere before the start of the first mountain.

The timing is critical, because of the nature of the test, it must be before the earnest start of the path (major mysteries). You will understand more why this is, in the 'Why' section.

A person can fail this test, interestingly failing it is not as dire as failing the Direne test. So one can still have a second chance. Personally I would like to pass it once and not have to go through it again, because of its difficult nature.

A person though can fail this test and not recuperate. There are some who have failed it and they end up being enemies of Gnosis. Always trying to undermine and thwart the progress of the Gnostic Teachings.

Master Samael himself said, that he passed this test, however not so dashingly but rather just 'on the line'.


Usually there are a set of circumstances in our Gnostic world where something is not going too well. There is a problem or conflict of some kind and the focus of the conflict is on us and we are accused, anlaysed, talked about, reprimanded, letters are written about us and we receive many letters and w may even end up suspended or sanctioned or expelled.


Whenever justice is carried out, there is an end and a new start. A certain new line of destiny is forged and put into place. For example, when a criminal is convicted and sent to jail, his time as a free man is over and his life in jail begins, and his payment also begins. His line of life changes abruptly.

So the test of justice serves the purpose of setting up a new line of destiny for us, a line of destiny that will have us tread the path.

So the test of justice is used to shift our karmic weight so that we can truly embrace the path. It is a test to allow us to enter the path.

The test of justice can be one that cancels much karma. This of course depends on the individual's karmic load. If one has a lot of karmic impediment this test can be unusually severe.

If one on the other hand has little karma this test is lighter and less painful.

Passing the Test

Justice is the worst enemy of pride. So the more we work on pride the better. During the circumstances of the test if we remain balanced and close to the facts we can pass it.

When we protest and attack and distrust the Law we start to lean closer and closer to tipping over and failing the test.

We can defend by stating the facts but to counter attack we are getting close to failing. Justice always prevails and it is best to trust in it and let it run its course. Knowing that we are cancelling a lot of karma so to enter the path helps tremendously while under the strains of this test.

End (3178).

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