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Wednesday 28 August 2019

Things we Don't Need Go to Waste - (3177)


There are things at times that we need. Because the circumstances of our life require that we have these things. Like a mobile phone or laptop for work for example.

There are also things that we don't need but something in us would like to see ourselves have those things. This is clearly related to ego.

To not feel the need and want to have it anyway is a little upside down or absurd. That is ego for you.

When what we really need is serving a real need, then that thing will prove to be useful. When what we need is not serving a real need, that thing ends up being something redundant. That is, something that does not get used and can even later on turn sour and be a problem for us.


There are some experiences that we think that we may need, but really we do not need them. But the egos inside of ourselves want to have them.

If certain experiences that we think that we need  are going to be inconvenient we can apply this bit of knowledge: "that what we don't need ends up being a waste" to help ourselves overcome the desire.

For example, we can tell ourselves: my body does not need it, my physical work does not need it, my esoteric and psychological work do not need it and no one I know needs it. If I don't need it then it will be a wasteful or useless experience that won't take me anywhere so why do I want it? What is going on there?

End (3177).

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