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Monday 9 September 2019

Notes for a Class About the Christ - (3187)


I had to give a class about the Christ, so in a few minutes before the class I thought that I would jot down some notes in the form of a post. In the end I couldn't give it because I was coughing so much. So here is what I would liked to have given.


The aim of such a class is to get across the point to the listeners that the force that we know of as the Christ or be it under any other name is a essential and fundamental part of anyone's spiritual work.

Understanding this well will help us to deeply connect to the force and part of our own inner Being that is called Christ or be it any other name. This will then help you to understand why the sincere Gnostic loves the Christ.

You will see that by working on yourself Gnostically, principally in mystical death and transmutation you are working with this force of the Cosmos some people call the Christ.

Three Christs

There are three Christs: Cosmic, Intimate and Historical.

There are infinitely many Intimate Christs and there have been many historical Christs.

There are as many infinite Christs as there Monads. There are many more Monads than there are human beings. All the Intimate Christ make up the Cosmic Christ. The Cosmic Christ in infinite!

The Cosmic is what we also know as prana. The great force of life, the great vitality of life that animates and gives life to all that is alive. The sublime healing force.

As Christ is a cosmic force and we are a universe in miniature there is also a Christ within us and it is called the Intimate Christ.

Christ and Religion

Christ means the 'anointed one'. Coming from the Greek word Christos meaning anointed.

The Christ is not a religious belief, nor is it an artifact of religion...

It is as Master Samael says a real force of the cosmos. Master Samael says that it is as real as the force of gravity.

It is the intelligent force of life that sustains life in all its forms and expressions in its march.

It is a reality that lives beyond any belief, religion or school of thought. No belief or concept can capture it, submit it, nor alter it...


It is a force with an almost infinite multitude of qualities...

We can find it alive in many manifestations. The most immediate expression that we can look upon for inspiration is the sun! Yes the planetary body hung high in the sky that brings life and illumination to us every day.

About its qualities a person could write a lot...

Bridge and Crossing Point - Balance

It is the great balance, it is a child. Any child is the result of the sexual balance, the child of electricity and magnetism, the son of the Cosmic Mother and Father. The Mother is magnetism and the Father is electricity.

He is the legitimate one to be sent into matter - the world of the Cosmic Mother to bring that which is of the Father back to the Father. The son - the Christ partakes of both natures and harmonises intelligently both natures - divine and human, spirit and matter. 

It is the expression of Divinity most important to us! As it is a bridge that unites our human nature to our Divine nature.

The spiritual work of any human being needs such a bridge, such a unifying and balancing point. Without that bridge no human being could succeed in his or her spiritual path. 

This is why the Christ is so important to the Gnostic person and any person yearning for their spirit.

It is the living emblem and principle of transmutation within us! That is why transmutation is totally Christic and it is what draws him to us and prepares our interior for his advent.

Holy Denial

It is the Holy denial, the Holy Negation. Which is linked to transmutation, sacrifice and mystical death. Mystical death is transformation directed upwards and inwards to the inner spirit.

The Christ is the embodiment of sacrifice, it is the spirit of sacrifice. It achieves the miracles of transforming us by means of sacrifice.

Sacrifice is a conscious choice of one option superior to another.

The Christ works to bring us upwards, meaning it chooses what is good and superior. In this the function of the Holy Denial is clear, it denies the ego to embrace the Father. It does not take us downwards. If it were to take us downwards there would not be sacrifice there would be a fall where the inferior is chosen over the superior.

In sacrifice there is transformation. Something changes its nature to become something new.

The Christ causes what is above and Divine to descend and what is below and human to ascend.

It affords us mercy because it has the power of transforming, owing to the power of transformation it redeems. 

Role of Saviour Redeemer

The Cosmic Christ was the one who Master Samael, said entered a temple at the very dawn of creation to sign a pact to redeem, Men, Gods and worlds...

It seems then that the role of the Christic force right from the beginning of time has always been to redeem from karma - the essences and take them liberated back to the Father.

Master Same says that the Intimate Christ of a parson fulfills this role. It assumes the defects of the Master and fights within the person to liberate the person.

This is also why the Intimate Christ incarnates when one chooses the direct way, because the Intimate Christ's work is to redeem essences. Those who chose Nirvana do not work for humanity.

Will - Causal and the Christ

The abode of the Intimate Christ is the causal - the dimension of will.

The preparation for the advent of the Christ is completing the causal initiation. From within the causal world the Christ can modify causes. The work of redemption can be done without taking into account the modification of causes. The cause of our fall, of our suffering and pain is all in the causal world For the Christ to complete His work he must have access to the causal and He must work from within the causal to affect the dimensions that at are below - our mind, our emotions and our actions.

Born, Lives, Dies and Resurrects

The Intimate Christ incarnates. First, a part of the Divine Mother becomes active in us, as Kundalini, then the human soul incarnates, then the Intimate Christ later incarnates. The human soul is the human face of the Intimate Christ.

The Intimate Christ is always born first, then incarnated, then it works, then it later dies and resurrects. Its death is necessary as with its death it conquers our psychological death. as it has assumed all of our "I's" when He dies all of our "I's" also die.

The Christ always resurrects, giving life back to the Being. That is His second last step in doing his work of redemption - returning the essence back to the Father. The last step is ascending.

Master Samael says that the Christ takes three steps. One from the Absolute to Chockmah, from Chockmah to Tiphereth and from Tiphereth to Malcuth.

End (3187).

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