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Monday 9 September 2019

Origin of Infrasexuality - (3186)

Infrasexuality has an origin. Why does it have an origin?

Because, within a person it ultimately has an end, and whatever has an end has a beginning. It has an end because our ultimate reality and destiny is our Being and infrasexuality is not the sexuality of the Being.

Infrasexuality actually derives from the inversion of suprasexuality. It is in fact the diverse values within suprasexuality that when inverted instantly become infrasexuality.

Before the fall the sexuality of every human being was a whole, a clear harmonious whole. With the fall however that sexuality became fragmented or divided. Because of duality being the main conditioner that division was condition into two qualities, which by duality are the exact polar opposites of each other.

So when the clear and harmonious became divided with one part still clear and harmonious but reduced in size and another part dark and opposing. 

I'll give you some examples a bit later in this same post...

Anyhow this is very important to know because the aspects of infrasexuality that everyone carries within can be worked upon and transformed or turned into clear and crystalline by using the depolarisation of duality.

End (3186).

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