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Friday 4 October 2019

La Pieta' a Real Esoteric Event - (3223)

Sometimes Art Touches the Essence or as they Say -Soul

All the types of art, whether it be sculpture, music, cinema, literature, painting can touch the essence, when they clearly portray an aspect of the intimate depths of the essence. 

There are many aspects of the essence that art can touch. The essence's connection to the cosmos, the battling of light and dark within the essence, the yearnings and angst to find meaning and God, the errors, the repentance, the moving qualities...

When art touches such themes in a way that people feel their own essence moved deeply from within, people are immediately taken, and a timeless classic is born...

Why such a work of art touches so profundly one's own essence, is a mystery of our own essence. It is good to know the various works of art that are out there that touch so deeply our soul.

La Pieta'

A sculpture by Michelangelo is one such work of art that touches the soul. This is because it so clearly represents a cosmic moment in the life of the Christic force or of any Christ really.

La Pieta' only makes sense really if we look at it esoterically.

It represents a cosmic event because the Divine Mother is the bearer of the Intimate Christ, He gestates in Her and She brings him to life and by mandate of the Father allows Him to incarnate into flesh and blood. 

She is also Hecate - Mother Death, life and death are one in Her. The Divine Mother takes the Intimate Christ to his death. Because He must die to to be reborn into a higher and newer life. His sacrifice of death elevates his new life into a higher level of Being of closer intimacy with the Father who is always in secret. 

As He is immortal yet mortal He dies but resurrects. If He is to die it is to resurrect later...

His death is a monumental event, He only dies to effect a greater degree of death.

As Master Samael says, with His death He conquers death. 

There are many degrees of death and the Intimate Christ dies many times...

That is the maximum fulfillment of the Divine Mother and of the Divine Eternal Feminine principle, to take Her son to the Father. 

In the Pieta' the Divine Mother contemplates His death, Her reflection is seen deeply in Him in His death. She waits that with His death Her yearnings for Him will come to pass in His new life. 

His death is also Her work and She in the position of the Pieta' is awarded the result of Her work,  which is to come to bear fruit when He resurrects.

As a mother here on earth holds her dead son in her arms, all that she wanted for him in life has to also die with him. She may have wanted him to be a decent, honest, law abidding human being, who loves and serves others, who loves his wife and does the right thing by her and in so doing wins her love etc. But as he is dead all that of a mother must die also.

In many ways She dies in Him, but the miracle of his resurrection, causes all which has died to be reborn and sublimated to a higher octave of quality and expression. 

In short, La Pieta' represents a precious cosmic moment, in the relationship between Divine Mother and Intimate Christ or Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Christ. 

A special pause, surrounded by a penumbral darkness in which nature and men are sad and solemn, and the dark forces become agitated and rile trying to take advantage of this moment of vulnerability.

End (3233).

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