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Saturday 5 October 2019

Pleasure a Lower Value that Sacrifices Dignity - (3228)

A True

This seems to ring true in many areas of life. The truth that pleasure is a lower value, and people often sacrifice higher values for pleasure.

For Example

For example, a man for the pleasure of drinking, sacrifices dignity and self-respect, to drink more and more eventually getting drunk, stumbling, behaving badly and perhaps passing out on a street corner, in his suit and tie waiting for taxi that he can't even remember if called. This man sacrificed his dignity to the pleasure of drinking. This is quite a common sight in the city on a Friday afternoon. 

Gluttony does this, and lust does this also. One eats and eats eventually getting over weight worsening their health, putting the temple of their Being in a state greater risk. 

This is a lesson that so many people we can see in life have not really learn, but some do after a lot of pain come to learn. 

One day they get tired of letting the pursuit of those egos go against them forcing themselves to accept things that are really below their normal level of life.


In conclusion, it is very useful for a human being to know the scale upon which many of the values in life sit. Pleasure is a lower value that sits below dignity, happiness, respect and self-respect, love, majesty, balance etc. 

Once we know this scale of values, sacrifice becomes more conscious. To sacrifce a lower value for a higher causes us to ascend and to sacrifice a higher value for a lower one causes us to descend.  

End (3228).

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